Tuesday, February 11, 2014

10 Things You Would Hate About Me

1. I am very selfish with my time.  I don't know exactly when I started thinking this way, but my free time has become incredibly precious to me. And I'm very selective in terms of how I spend it. I've always only felt content in either a) being completely alone or b) spending time with someone I love, but lately I take measures to ensure I'm only spending my time in one of those two ways. I kind of hate everything in between, such as hanging out with acquaintances or going on casual dates. I consider hanging out and/or chatting with someone I don't particularly care for to be a waste of my precious time, and I realize this is not charming.

2. If I discover something new I like, I get completely obsessed with it and can't shut up about it. I don't really have likes or dislikes. They're more like obsessions and things I can't stand/am too apathetic to bother to spend any time thinking about.

3. I am extremely set in my convictions and will not shy away from being a little preachy if directly asked about them. I won't rub them in your face out of nowhere, but if you ask me why I don't approve of a certain thing you're doing, I will tell you. This is especially true when it comes to topics like vegetarianism/veganism, zoos/aquariums/other places where animals are held captive, and animal rights in general.

4. I will judge you hardcore if you're a woman and you tell me you don't identify as a feminist.

5. I'm very moody and have a tendency to shut down on a loved one and brood in silence every now and then.

6. I can be very secretive about my life for no reason, even with close friends. Once, a friend I'd been very close to for a couple of years turned to me and said, "Wait...you have a sister?"

7. Happy-go-lucky people really annoy me. I just want to shake them and yell, "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WORLD HUNGER?!! PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!!" ...I'm not going to hate you if you're all rainbows and unicorns all the time, but I'm also not going to be able to be around you for more than two minutes.

8. I am very cranky in the morning. Just don't talk to me.

9. I get super awkward whenever I receive a compliment.

10. In general, I prefer books and animals over people.

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