Sunday, May 31, 2009

Katy Perry is an Idiot

So, I've been wanting to write about Katy Perry's single "I Kissed a Girl" since it came out, but I didn't have a blog back then, and it seemed way too after the fact to write about it when I finally started one a month ago.

But, but, BUT!!! My new hero, Beth Ditto, has recently dished her feelings on the subject on the latest issue of Attitude magazine... and thus, I have an excuse to bring it up! YES. 

Ditto, simply put, is not a fan. She thought Perry's hit was "tacky" and referred to it as "music for men." But the most noteworthy part was when she said: "She's offensive to gay culture... She's just riding on the backs of our culture, without having to pay any of the dues and not actually being a lesbian or anything at all and she's on the cover of a fucking gay magazine."

Thank you. 

The fact that this song became such a hit last summer- and continues to grace our parties with its presence today- symbolizes the sorry state we are in as a nation. Sure, it's catchy (and even that's debatable), but is a party beat the only thing on people's minds? Not only does "I Kissed a Girl" buy into the straight-girls-kissing-girls-to-turn-their-boyfriends-on craze, thereby totally undermining genuine lesbian relationships... but it's also just plain stupid. Also, notice how she doesn't actually kiss any girl throughout the entire video... in a song about kissing girls? Yeah. It's because she's the straightest girl in the entire fucking universe. Perry makes it painfully obvious that the only reason she's singing about kissing girls is to get attention from her boyfriend, as evidenced by the fact that she wakes up next to him as the video ends. Oops, bad dream! And hello, billionth song for men disguised as a 'girl power' jam.

It's bad enough that lesbians are one of the most underrepresented minorities in mainstream television, but when they're used and exploited to reinforce ideas of male dominance by a girl who doesn't have a fucking clue..... that's a deal breaker, ladies.

(Had to throw Tina Fey in there somewhere.)

EDIT: Perry replied to Ditto's commentary. She's apparently "not impressed." Boo hoo, Katy Perry. Boo fucking hoo.



  2. Oh hello, billionth song for men disguised as a 'girl power' jam.
    this could be classified as a "truer words were never spoken" moment.
